Variety rules at Landfill 2017 | Infrastructure news

Landfill equipment demonstration

Delegates were treated to a demonstration of landfill equipment on the Buffelsdraai Regional Landfill site at the end of the second day of the Landfill 2017 “Back to Basics” conference.

Leaders in the waste and environmental management industries gathered at the Buffelsdraai Regional Landfill site in KwaZulu Natal for Landfill 2017.

The KwaZulu Natal Landfill & Waste Treatment Interest Group (LaWTIG) of the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) hosted the three-day event which concluded on Friday, 20 October 2017.

“This was the first time that we hosted Landfill at a real landfill site, with much positive feedback from delegates who thoroughly enjoyed the live demonstration of landfill equipment,” says Jan Palm, President of the IWMSA.

Rod Bulman, of Phelamanga, shared from his experience in conducting public participation meetings before landfill sites can be established. “Communities responding to a landfill site in their midst vary from resigned, reluctant, arms-length tolerance to hostile rejection,” says Bulman.

“Often the ‘not in my backyard’ syndrome is predominant in a number of waste public participation processes, which is countered by the ‘if not here, then where?’ response.”

Municipal solid waste, capping and legislation

Alan Bamforth, of ABG, presented a simple, cost effective capping solution for rural landfill sites. “Attempts to cap with a simple layer of polymer film and cover soil have led to slope failures. One solution is the phytocap or water balance cap, but this has limited suitable climatic conditions,” says Bamforth.

He presented a development of the phytocap, the Barrier Drain, which is a barrier layer and drainage layer in one. This development extends the scope and technical performance to such an extent that the phytocap can be considered as a fully competent capping system.

A presentation on the long-term plans to dispose of municipal solid waste in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro was shared by Hillary Zuze and Anton de Wit. Michelle Muller, of Aurecon spoke about understanding waste streams and the importance of adhering to relevant legislation when conducting risk assessments.

“This year’s conference has been a huge success and we are thrilled at the interest from delegates in the fascinating presentations we have heard thus far,” concludes Palm.


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