SBS Tanks claims the title of Most Productive Company | Infrastructure news

SBS Tanks was recently honoured by Productivity SA for their best use of resources and epitomising the highest qualities and attributes of productivity.

The company scooped the award for Most Productive Company in the corporate sector at the Productivity SA 2017 national awards ceremony, held at the end of October.

As an industry pioneer and world-class supplier of water storage tanks, SBS has made a huge contribution towards ensuring South Africans have access to clean, safe water as well as helping citizens save water – no matter where they are located.

In the Western Cape, SBS’s footprint has yielded positive results in their efforts to alleviate the effects of the drought through the installation of water storage tanks across the province.

“Severe water shortage is damaging to our economy as most industries depend on this resource to function. Furthermore, as a country we have a constitutional obligation to ensure that every citizen has access to potable water and sanitation services. We are proud to say that our products provide solutions to these challenges,” explains James Preston, Marketing Manager for SBS Tanks.

Making a difference across industries

A key aspect of the Productivity Awards is that any improvement in aspect of the company must result in increased economic activity.

SBS meets this benchmark through its positive impact across multiple industry sectors.  This includes helping mines find effective solutions to their process water containment problems, swift municipal reservoir installations, commercial water backup and rainwater harvesting solutions among many others.

“The Productivity SA Awards is a honoured platform to be recognised as an industry pioneer.  Our solid performance and product offering highlights SBS’s consistent delivery of excellence in building our economy and improving the lives of all South Africans by providing essential water solutions. We would like to thank Productivity SA for recognising our commitment to making our country a better and more productive place for all,” concludes Preston.

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