Level 6 water restrictions in place for Cape Town | Infrastructure news

tap lockedThe City of Cape Town is implementing Level 6 water restrictions from January 2018 as part of its efforts to drive down water consumption and avoid Day Zero.

The implementation of the latest water restrictions for the Western Cape water supply system follows a directive by the Department of Water and Sanitation which requires urban users to reduce their water usage by 45%, and agricultural users to reduce consumption by 60%.

The City’s Executive Mayor, Patricia de Lille says the daily water usage limit will remain at 87 litres per person per day, unless targets continue to be missed as is currently the case.

“We would then consider lowering usage targets further in an effort to adhere to these new restrictions and also to avoid Day Zero when most of our taps will run dry,” she explains.

Working together is key to avoiding Day Zero

Level 6 water restrictions discourage the use of borehole water for outdoor purposes in order to preserve groundwater resources.

From 1 January 2018 excessive usage for domestic properties is classified as being in excess of 10 500 litres per month. Properties where households consume more than 10 500 litres per month could be fitted with a water management device.

“If we lower our water usage and the City keeps on working hard to make additional water supply available, we can avoid Day Zero, but only if we work together. There are so many water users who have done a superb job to cut their water usage. Those who have not done so continue to place us all in danger,” De Lille concludes.





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