Why do we need to talk about infrastructure investment and delivery in sub-Saharan Africa? Business spending in Africa will grow from $2.6 trillion in 2015 to $3.5 trillion by 2025. It is estimated that over the same period an additional 187 million Africans will migrate to cities, drastically redefining urban trends and requirements.
However an annual investment of $150 billion is still needed to close Africa’s infrastructure gap and inadequate infrastructure in Africa still cuts growth by as much as two percentage points per year, leading to a loss of almost 40% of productivity.
A shifting landscape
Today the construction landscape in Africa is shifting. Increased competition in the marketplace and an increased number of smaller-scale projects has led to slimmer margins, decreased confidence in local construction companies and a paradigm shift towards generating new revenue streams outside of national borders.
Against this backdrop, the 6
th annual African Construction and Totally Concrete Expo sets the stage for increased communication and collaboration amidst public and private sector operators across all disciplines of Africa’s built environment.
Because infrastructure plays a critical mobility role in African society as a turnkey deliverable against which to benchmark industrialisation and economic growth, the event provides a definitive platform for strategic public-private sector collaboration and communication to analyse current trends and advances being made throughout the continent and evaluate where the best investment and construction opportunities lie.
Catering to the entire African construction, cement and concrete industry
The overall event, which is set to take place at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 May 2018, attracts more than 250 exhibitors and over 9500 participants on an annual basis catering to the entire African construction, cement and concrete industries.
“We are expecting over 250 companies to exhibit at the expo. This includes suppliers and solution providers involved in pre-build, construction and finishing phases of the construction cycle. Chemicals, tools, alternative building, equipment, finishes, materials and contracting services suppliers will also be on hand showcasing the latest technologies and solutions,” says Tracy-Lee Behr, Portfolio Director.
The audience includes architects, engineers, contractors, quantity surveyors, government representatives as well as suppliers of products and services to the industry. From indoor to outdoor experiences, workshops to prizes, there is something for everyone at the African Construction and Totally Concrete Expo 2018.