JRA overhauls city sidewalks | Infrastructure news

The Johannesburg Roads Agency has set aside R15 million for a project to overhaul sidewalks and install traffic calming measures across five wards in Region B.

As part of the City’s Community Based Projects, a site inspection of Wards 69, 86, 99, 102 and 117 has been carried out to assess the conditions of sidewalks and need for traffic calming measures.

With the help of local communities and Ward Councillors the JRA has identified a list of streets in need of traffic calming measures, maintenance, reinstatements and construction of new sidewalks.

The 12-month labour intensive construction works is expected to start in April 2018 and aligns to the Expanded Public Works Programme in creating job opportunities for the local community according to JRA’s Acting Managing Director, Goodwill Mbatha.

“A total of 30% of the contract value will be used to empower and train SMME’s, purchase of materials and supplies, hiring of local construction plant, compliant service providers as support companies and sub-contractors. The appointment of Community Liaison Officer is in the process of the being finalised,” he noted.

The agency says interventions to maintain rehabilitate and construct sidewalks will ensure the accidents and risk posed to pedestrian and non-motorised roads users are reduced.

“In addition, the overall improvements will add to the aesthetic appeal of the community streets and will encourage a more active lifestyle by residents. The introduction of traffic calming measures aims to reduce road user accidents, drivers will become more conscious of installed speed humps and will drive at reduce speeds,” the agency explained.

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