Dam levels dip in the Northern Cape | Infrastructure news

Dam levels in the Northern Cape have dipped by a concerning 4.1% in the space of a week according to the Department of Water and Sanitation.

The province, which has enjoyed a relatively stable increase in dam levels in recent weeks, showed a decrease in dam levels that has urged the department to call on Northern Cape residents to use water sparingly.

The dam levels as recorded on 23 May 2018 were at 86.3% dropping from 90.4% in the previous week.  According to the department the Vaalharts Storage Weir has seen the highest decrease during the time period recording at 57.2% last week, the storage weir was at 68.7% in the week prior and 60.8% during the same time period last year.

Dam levels

The Sportskop Storage Weir has only decreased slightly recording at 98.1% in comparison to 99.1% in the prior week.

Douglas Storage Weir has remained stable over the past two weeks recording at 109.8%, this time last year the storage weir was at 109.6%. Boegeoberg has also recorded the same water levels over the past two weeks remaining at 112.9%. The storage weir was at 104.3% this time last year. The

Leeubos Storage Weir has remained at 0.0% for the past weeks and Karee Dam has made a turn displaying a 0.4% increase after recording at 0.0% for the longest time.

Calls to reduce consumption

“With farming and agriculture being important sectors for economic growth in the province, the importance of reducing water consumption becomes even more important,”the department said in a statement.

“The Department of Water and Sanitation further urges residents of the Northern Cape to use water wisely, with the winter season looming and bringing with it dry weather conditions, water restrictions should be strictly adhered to,” it concluded.

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