Sedgefield waste water works upgrade completed | Infrastructure news

Upgrade works on the Sedgefield Waste Water Treatments Works (WWTW) in Knysna have finally been completed.

The project, which cost approximately R19.5 million and was funded by the Municipal Infrastructure Grant, was completed in two phases. The first phase was completed in April 2017 and the most recent phase, started in March 2017 and was completed in April 2018.

According to Mark Willemse, the upgrade will address various constraints including treatment capacity needed for growth, sludge handling capacity, automation of major unit processes, safety and reliable phosphate removal. Additionally, it will enhance the environment and better deal with health and hygiene related issues.

Complying with standards

“The existing WWTW have been upgraded to comply with the special standards for final effluent. The new technology implemented as part of the upgrade will not only enable the WWTW plant to handle the foreseeable future volumes but will also ensure that the municipality complies with the standards set by the Department of Water and Sanitation,” Willemse explains.

Employment opportunities

“The type of work for this project required specific technical and engineering skills. However, I am delighted to report that the contractors also appointed local people. Employment opportunities to the extent of five labourers per week were created.”

“Council is also looking into the second phase which will be the upgrade of bulk and reticulation sewer systems in Sedgefield. The municipality is in the process of applying for funding to implement portion of the proposed second phase”, Willemse concludes.

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