The Ekurhuleni Municipality says worms found in the potable water of two families in the City did not come from the municipality’s water supply.
The City says it has noted recent media reports of two families that allegedly found worms in their potable water and that after an investigation was conducted it is not possible that the worms came from the City’s water supply. “In both cases the worms were of terrestrial species and were alive when found. These types of worm species cannot survive in water due to the water reticulation system’s inherent high pressure, and the worm species’ inability to breath in water.”“In addition, the City’s water supply comes from Rand Water where it goes through a chemical-intensive purification process that cannot be survived by any type of a living species. Furthermore, the City’s vast water reticulation infrastructure comprises of intermediate high-pressure pumps, valves and meters that no living creature, such as a worm, can pass through intact and get to the end users’ taps,” the City notes.
The City’s water is regularly tested for quality, and the results are published on our website on a monthly basis. The latest results conducted in June 2018 showed excellent compliance levels in all areas.