Outa calls for dissolution of Emfuleni Municipality | Infrastructure news

The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) is calling for the immediate dissolution of the Emfuleni Local Municipality.

Acting on behalf of Emfuleni ratepayers, local businesses and communities, the organisation has written to Premier David Makhura calling for this process to begin in earnest.

Makhosi Khoza, Executive Director: OUTA Local Governance says the organisation is horrified and outraged by the arrogance and contempt which the Emfuleni councillors have displayed towards the communities they are meant to represent.

Evasive behaviour

“The Emfuleni council has consistently evaded any attempts by the Gauteng government to intervene in this municipality,”Khoza notes.

“The provincial government resolved to intervene in Emfuleni in terms of Section 139 of the Constitution on 13 June, yet the Emfuleni council only considered this on 19 July and then only noted the Gauteng executive’s intention to intervene,” he continues.

S139 sets out how provinces intervene in failing municipalities, including issuing directives, taking over specific functions, imposing a recovery plan and revenue-raising measures, dissolving a council and appointing an administrator.

Calling for intervention

“The situation in Emfuleni has deteriorated to proportions that threaten life. There are reports that livestock is dying due to raw sewage flowing into the streams and rivers,” says Khoza.

Within this context and in line with OUTA’s community driven intervention, the organisation is calling for Section 139 (1) (c) intervention which provides for the dissolution of the municipality.

“This constitutional provision was proclaimed for situations like this where those elected no longer care about those they are meant to serve, the community. As civil society and communities we can no longer allow councillors to betray our mandate as voters,” says Khoza.

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