The 4 per 1000 Initiative recently launched a new digital hub that is set to enable international collaboration between scientists, farmers and financiers aimed at reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by capturing more carbon in the planet’s soils.
If carbon was increased in soils by just 0.4% per year, the reduction in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere would correspond to all annual man-made greenhouse gas emissions. Backed by the governments of France, Germany and Spain, the platform brings together the Initiative’s project members and partners to speed up knowledge-sharing and best practice, to encourage projects to implement the most efficient science and approaches, and to secure funding for successful demonstration projects.Fostering sustainable agriculture
The project comprises of 39 governments, 11 international organisations, 10 foundations and development banks, 62 research and education institutions, 35 farmers’ organisations, 36 companies and 88 Non-Government Organisations. Commenting on the initiative Stephane Travert, France’s Minister for Agriculture and Food says for a true transition towards more sustainable agriculture to be realised many actors have to be mobilised alongside the farmers.“The 4 per 1000 Initiative will thus contribute to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. It will allow farmers to live well from their work, and contribute to food security.”
In a second phase, starting November, the hub will be opened to millions of farmers around the world, so that they can learn about the best approaches to soil management, which not only boost soil carbon, but also boost agricultural yields.