Future of water mobilises international specialists | Infrastructure news

Water specialists from around the world are expected to gather in Rio de Janeiro this month to discuss the future of water on the planet at Rio Water Week 2018.

This key event on the water calendar will see around 1 500 specialist from country’s such as the United States of America, France, Spain, South Africa, Chile and Brazil, gather from the 26th to the 28th of November to participate in lectures focused on ensuring access to water and sanitation for all by 2030.

The conference will focus on topics such as governance and planning, efficient management, education and training, financing, and climate change. Professionals, universities, companies and global organizations will also unpack existing challenges, public policies and solutions and technologies in Brazil and the world.

Top international lectures

Lecturers will include Dhesigen Naidoo, from the Water Research Commission of South Africa, Enrique Cabrera, Spanish expert and member of the International Water Association (IWA), Paula Kehoe,  American director of Water Resources at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission; and Brazilian Jorge Luiz Briard, president of Cedae, and Karla Bertocco Trindade, president of Sabesp.

A first for Brazil

The event, which is being held in Brazil for the first time, is being coordinated by the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (Abes).

Carlos Alberto Rosito, Abes’ national vice president and ambassador of the event says they look forward to putting what they’ve learned from previous Water events into practice at Rio Water Week 2018. “Among them, I would highlight a very relevant participation of partner organizations, that will coordinate the 65 sessions of the event,” Rosito notes.

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