The Department of Water and Sanitation is in the process of consultations with various water users in the country with regard to the next set of water tariffs.
The Lower Orange Catchment session is scheduled for the 17 July 2019 in Upington. To supply water to all people at an acceptable level of assurance, quality and access costs the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) money, both in terms of capital investment into infrastructure and the operation and maintenance costs associated with water treatment, bulk water distribution and reticulation within human settlements. Suitable tariffs must thus be set by all relevant water services institutions involved in the water services cycle. Paying for water is a key principle and a mechanism to ensure that the water is used effectively and sparingly.The criteria for the setting of tariffs and the procedures are described in various legislation and regulations, notably the water acts, the Pricing Strategy for Raw Water Use Charges and the Water Services Tariff Regulations.
As much as water is a basic right and all people must have access to at least the basic level of service, the DWS stress that water users have a responsibility to use water services responsibly and with due care.