Free State carries South Africa’s hope on water | Infrastructure news

Despite a dry winter, Free State continues to store most volumes of water in its reservoirs compared to other provinces in the country.

The latest weekly dam levels report by the Department of Water and Sanitation indicates that the province is nearing its full supply capacity of 13 235 cubic metres, 2 000 cubic metres short of reaching its full capacity.

Statistically, Free State currently accounts for half of South Africa’s water in reservoirs.

The province is home to some of the biggest dams in the country. Sterkfontein Dam is regarded as the reserve bank of water while Gariep Dam is the biggest In South Africa.

The Western Cape is currently drenched in heavy winter rains that started three months ago. Consequently, the province’s dam levels have risen dramatically to just above 70% and are expected to increase higher with the consistency of the rainfall. In the past month alone levels in the province have gone up by 20%.

The combined total storage for the country currently stands at 22 572,5 cubic metres.

Although some parts of the country are experiencing dry conditions, the department’s latest report suggests that South Africa’s reservoirs are having two-third water in storage, allaying any fears of yet another drought spell.

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