Gauteng government increase budget to fix infrastructure | Infrastructure news

The Gauteng Government has been allocated an additional R443million taking the initial budget up to 139.9billion for the 2019/20 financial year.

Most of the additional budget will be spent on fixing and maintaining infrastructure.

That is according to Gauteng MEC for finance Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko, who announced on Tuesday that an additional R199m has been allocated towards occupational health and safety repairs, refurbishment of health facilities and maintenance of existing government buildings.

“Allocations to infrastructure included R91.4m to roads and transport for maintenance and repairs of existing roads in the province,” said Nkomo-Ralehoko.

The provincial department of health received the biggest chunk of the the medium term budget with Nkomo-Ralehoko giving it over R320m.

“Health is allocated additional resources of R320.2m primarily for the planning and procurement of the Occupational Health and Safety, repairs and refurbishment maintenance programme and for projects that are currently at construction stage,” she said.

Economic development received R33.4m that will go towards the Gauteng Gambling Board’s automation project which she said would “enhance revenue maximisation in the gambling environment.”

In his state of the provincial address, premier David Makhura announced five key priorities that his administration would focus on.These included focusing on the economy, jobs and infrastructure; education, skills revolution and health; integrated human settlement and land releases.

“This is an all-encompassing vision to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry, that we build the Gauteng economy that reflects the full diversity of our population and where small and big businesses thrive and prosper,” said Nkomo-Ralehoko.

“A vision whereby everyone has access to quality healthcare, all residents have access to basic services and quality infrastructure, and would women enjoy their rights from all forms of patriarchy.”

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