Emergency water and sanitation for informal settlements, rural areas | Infrastructure news

The Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation will increase the provision of water and sanitation in high-density public areas, informal settlements and rural areas in response to coronavirus outbreak.

On Monday, Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Lindiwe Sisulu announced the intervention as a measure to curb the further spread.

Sisulu has directed the department to ensure that rural areas and informal settlements are provided with water tanks and stand pipes, to increase access to water for residents.

The Department of Water and Sanitation will also provide water tanks and sanitizers in public spaces including taxi ranks, train and bus stations, and other areas where people congregate.

This intervention by the Minister is in support of the measures which have been put in place to minimise and curb the spread of the virus.

Minister has appealed to South Africans to wash their hands regularly, while at the same time using water sparingly, to ensure that everyone has their share.

The Coronavirus thrives in conditions where people are in close contact. As a result, the Minister is concerned that people living in the informal settlements are at high risk of contracting and spreading the virus amongst one another.

She has therefore instructed her department to urgently find other solutions that will prevent the spread of the virus in such areas.

“We find ourselves in an unfortunate situation where we are called upon to respond to this pandemic. We commit ourselves to do everything possible to respond to the urgent needs of our people, through the provision of water and sanitation as we confront the possible spread of the virus”, said Minister Sisulu.

“We call upon everyone in the human settlements, water and sanitation sector to work with government in responding to the Coronavirus. We also appeal to residents where we will be providing services to work with our officials. This is a matter which requires all of us to play our role in order to succeed”, added Sisulu.

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