Joburg's R160m M1 double-decker bridge repair 'a waste of resources' | Infrastructure news

The Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s (GPL), committee on Roads and Transport is concerned over the complaints by motorists about the M1 Double Decker Bridge’s constant flooding during heavy rains.

The GPL said the rehabilitation on the bridge appeared to have been a partial waste of public resources, as the recent flooding have proven that the drainage system that was meant to be addressed with the recent rehabilitation, still does not work.  

The recent rehabilitation of the M1 double decker section that took almost two years to complete was at an estimated value of R169 million; with a project scope that included the reinstatement and upgrading of the existing storm water drainage system  and the stormwater inlet system.

However, the section’s upgrade could not endure the heavy rains that were experienced in Gauteng on 5 October. 

The Committee notes that this was not the first rehabilitation that was meant to address a similar project scope. In January 2016, R82 million was spent when the very section of the free way experienced heavy traffic congestions as a result of flash flooding.

“The 5th October flooding was the first of many heavy rains to follow during the rainy season in Gauteng. The M1 Double Decker bridge is a daily convenient route that is used by many motorists in the province. As a committee we are committed to look into the matter and we will get the Joburg Road Agency to account for the unsatisfactory results that were meant to be addressed in the project scope;” expressed Dumisani Dakile, Chairperson of the Roads and Transport Portfolio Committee.

As a first step, the Committee will initiate a meeting with section 79/80 Committee of City of Johannesburg where the Johannesburg Road Agency can present amongst others, the actual  expenditure, closing report of the project, a way forward and  possibly where appropriate, request a probe into the project.  

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