Disinfection is an integral part of any wastewater management system and is also essential in any potable water supply solution.
At Sinowatek we create processes that valorize waste streams. The first step in the valorizing of the waste stream is the separation of the mixture into solids and liquid. The solids are then isolated and collected in preparation for valorization. The liquid (residual wastewater) on the other hand is disinfected to replenish natural water resources, to store as process water for long periods, or to use as drinking water. Sinowatek only selects and integrates state-of-the-art technologies and equipment to design and implement “fit for purpose” processes to valorize waste streams. It is for this reason that INNOWATECH Anolyte®, a very powerful disinfectant technology where the disinfectant concentrate is produced exclusively from drinking water, electricity, and a small amount of high purity NaCl, found its place among Sinowatek’s eco-friendly process technologies.
The manufacturing of Anolyte takes place in the electrolysis reactor and the final product is transferred to a reservoir. From the reservoir, the Anolyte concentrate is injected into the water to be disinfected by dosing pumps at the rate appropriate for the application. The application dictates the strength of the concentrate.
For example, in the treatment of drinking water, Anolyte is used in concentrations of parts per thousand, while in the treatment of process water it is used with considerably higher concentrates. The most important advantages of INNOWATECH technology compared to other Anolyte manufacturing processes are the following:- Due to the specialized reactor structure and the accurate control of the electrolysis, the anolyte is created within the electrolysis cell in the neutral pH range of 6.7 to 7.2. In this pH range, the proportion of hypochlorous acid, the substance necessary to kill germs, is over 85%.
- Conducting the process in the neutral pH range prevents the formation of chlorine gas, which reacts very unselectively and harbours considerable corrosion risks.
- A further benefit of the INNOWATECH process is the lowest possible AOX and THM formation that takes place.