Vandalism of water infrastructure sets government back – DWS | Infrastructure news

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has condemned the vandalism of water infrastructure that supplies water to Bafholo township and surrounding areas – as these acts undermine and derail the government’s efforts to ensure water security to communities.

This is in reference to the reports of damage to a local Pumpstation in Bhofolo township, in Fort Beaufort in the Amathole District Municipality (ADM), which has left residents in that area without supply of water.

Departmental Spokesperson, Wisane Mavasa said these acts of criminality undermine government efforts to keep the service delivery wheel in motion.

“There is no justification whatsoever for vandalising water infrastructure but an act of criminality which undermines the government’s effort to supply water to communities in a sustainable manner. Vandalism takes the government back in its service delivery plans and targets. As soon as water infrastructure is damaged, government has to make necessary and urgent steps to restore water supply and that is not budgeted,” Mavasa said.

The Department, working with ADM is working around the clock to restore water supply in the areas affected due to the damaged pumpstation and has dispatched water trucks in the affected areas to ensure continuous water supply to communities.

This is an interim measure while the efforts to fix the vandalised Bhofolo Pumpstation are underway. A service provider has already been appointed by ADM and it expected that by Wednesday, water will be coming out of the taps.

In addition, Mavasa called on community members to be active citizens and guard their own infrastructure within their communities and report criminals acts to law enforcement agencies because the infrastructure belongs to them and once vandalised, they will be directly affected.

“The building of these Infrastructures takes years to be constructed. We therefore appeal to the municipality and residents to safeguard all water infrastructures in your communities and to report these criminal elements to ensure that they provide long term water supply for all”, she emphasised.

The disruption of water supply as a result of vandalism has exacerbated the ongoing challenges experienced in the area such as water demand that exceeds water supply as well as effects of loadshedding.

The ADM, as the Water Services Authority, is currently increasing the water storage capacity and water treatment capacity in Fort Beaufort to improve water supply which is a project funded under the Municipal Infrastructure Grant.

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