School visits in KZN | Infrastructure news

Representatives from YWP, Borda and Umgeni Water held the ‘Walk With Me’ school shoes drive and visited schools in the Wushwini, Kwangcolosi, area that were heavily affected by the KwaZulu-Natal floods in April last year.

These floods left many families stranded and in dire need of essential goods and basic needs. In an attempt to assist, the Umgeni Water Peer Educators visited Laboure Primary School and Isihlangusabasha Primary School to offer assistance and investigate their immediate needs. From these two schools, more the 65 learners were identified as being in dire need of full school uniforms that were damaged during the April 2022 floods.

The team – through the sponsorship of Borda-SA and led by the WISA YWP KZN Chapter – donated school shoes to both schools. These schools expressed great appreciation to the team for their hard work and generosity. The children from both schools showed their excitement and gratitude through song and ukusina (Zulu dancing).

The main aim of the initiative was to give schoolchildren hope and an indication that they are not alone. Organisations such as WISA, Borda, Umgeni Water and YWP are committed to community work and improving people’s lives. The team members have expressed how they wish undertake more work that intends to give back to the community in most regions within KwaZulu-Natal.

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