Love food and hate waste this year | Infrastructure news

The City of Cape Town’s Urban Waste Management Directorate urges residents to embark on a journey of self-sufficiency in 2024, by implementing home composting systems and using the compost to grow food. Food gardening not only contributes to personal well-being, but also plays a crucial role in reducing organic waste and its impact on climate change.

Disposing of organic waste in landfills releases harmful greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming. By taking a simple yet impactful step of installing a composting system, residents can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, even more so if the compost is used to make nutrient-rich soil and grow food.  

In order to increase composting in Cape Town, the City distributes a limited number of home composting containers every year. Residents can view the schedule for rollout here. If you are not able to attend one of the roll-out events to obtain a free container, this should not be an issue as containers are commonly available for purchase at most retailers where garden supplies are sold, or otherwise they can be purchased online.

To assist residents in starting this journey, we recommend consulting the following resources:

‘By planting food at home, residents not only contribute to a greener environment, but also enjoy the satisfaction of harvesting their own fresh produce.

‘With the current food prices, they will also likely save some money. The City of Cape Town encourages everyone to join this sustainable movement. Let’s cultivate a future where our gardens not only feed us but also nurture a healthier planet for generations to come,’ said Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management, Alderman Grant Twigg.

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