iLima Digital Foundary and Global Connective Center to Accelerate Sustainable Smart Cities in Africa and Beyond | Infrastructure news

iLima, a SaaS AI PropTech company specializing in Affordable Housing and Sustainable Smart Cities, and GCC, a prominent Smart City and Infrastructure development firm, have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to collaborate on accelerating the design, build, and operate phases of
sustainable smart cities and critical infrastructure projects starting in Africa. The partnership aims to leverage their expertise and resources to drive innovation and sustainability in urban development. By combining iLima’s cutting-edge SaaS AI Platform technology with GCC’s extensive experience in smart city and infrastructure development, the two companies seek to set a new standard for smart city projects worldwide. GCC and iLima will offer a Sustainable Smart Village Solution consisting of the iLima SaaS AI Platform combined with GCC Smart City strategic advisory and project management consulting services.

Karsten Popp, CEO of iLima, stated, “We see immediate Sustainable Smart Village opportunities in Africa where both iLima and GCC have a lot of experience and well-established ‘feet on the ground’. With a current backlog of 70 million homes in Africa, the need is huge to leapfrog traditional inadequate solutions by offering the new iLima-GCC AI Smart City Solution. The solution delivers the village at lower cost, shorter time, improved quality, and better sustainability and transparency, while involving the community in decisions right from the start.”

As part of the partnership, iLima and GCC will integrate advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), renewable energy systems, and cybersecurity capabilities into the design and operation of smart cities. The collaboration will prioritize sustainability and environmental consciousness to ensure that the projects contribute to a greener and more resilient future. What is most extraordinary about this partnership, however, is its collaborative production in meeting African Countries’ Sustainable Development Goals and the process of primary, decentralized data collection that underpins it.

Major General John Wharton (U.S. Army Ret), CEO of GCC, commented, “We believe that by joining forces with iLima, we can accelerate the development of smart cities that are not only technologically advanced but also sustainable, resilient, and inclusive. Our partnership signifies a commitment to shaping the future of urban development in a way that benefits communities and the environment.”

Carl Bass, former CEO of Autodesk and iLima Board member, noted, “The construction industry has been operating in silos for centuries. AI and Big Data enable taking an end-to-end integrated and holistic view of Smart Cities, enabling all stakeholders to sit around one table. The GCC-iLima partnership is certainly a big step in the right direction.” The signing of the LOI marks the beginning of a long-term collaboration between iLima and GCC, with both companies dedicated to driving positive change in the sustainable smart city landscape. Through their joint efforts, iLima and GCC aim to set a new standard for smart city projects that prioritize sustainability, innovation, and community well-being.

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