A collaboration between KSB Pumps and Valves (PTY) LTD, the Nama-Khoi Municipality, residents, and other private sector players aims to restore vital water supply to parts of the Nama-Khoi Municipality. This collaboration brings much-needed relief to the community.
The condition of South Africa’s water infrastructure suffers from its age, climate challenges, and budget constraints. The Nama-Khoi Municipality often struggled with water supply and faced even more challenges when trying to fix their pumps. Local manufacturer KSB Valves and Pumps, a major supplier of pumps and other water equipment, played a significant role in alleviating this problem by donating an Etanorm pump to the struggling municipality. According to KSB Pumps and Valves’ Upington branch manager, Andre Jonker, the donation was part of a collaborative project to restore the Overberg potable water pump station after a pump failure and other issues caused the station to nearly grind to a halt. The remaining pump had been struggling to operate at full capacity, leading to water shortages across the community.The pump that saved the day

Louis Harper of Springbok Municipality and Adriaan Augus of Nama Khoi Municipality inspect the Etanorm pump donated to the municipality.
Following the successful restoration of water services, Mayor Rodney Kritzinger expressed his heartfelt gratitude and acknowledged the joint efforts had saved the municipality a considerable amount.
“On behalf of the residents, the Nama-Khoi Municipality Mayor would like to express his sincere thanks to all the role players who helped save almost R1 million by applying their expertise and businesses to get the Overberg pumping station up and running again.”The Mayor also extended special thanks to the following individuals and businesses:
- Abri van Niekerk and Tiaan van den Heever of Novatec for supplying and installing a new panel.
- Thinus van Schalkwyk and his team from Copper 360 for repairing the pump’s axles and supplying a new impeller.
- Kobus Zandberg for his organisational support.
- Nico Moore of Springbok Motor Rewinds for rebuilding critical components.
- Andre Jonker, Martin Fourie and the Management team from KSB Pumps and Valves for their donation of the KSB Etanorm pump, which was vital to the project.