NEES is promoting energy efficiency | Infrastructure news

The introduction of the National Energy Efficiency Strategy (NEES) by the South African Government is promoting energy efficiency and sustainable practices among businesses.

Frost & Sullivan Head of Energy & Environment Cornelis van der Waal says large commercial businesses should invest in initiatives that positively influence the perception of energy consumers and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices in order to ensure that energy efficiency becomes a culture in South Africa.

The NEES aims to improve energy efficiency by 15 percent in the commercial sector and achieve certain social, environmental and economic targets by 2015. A new analysis from Frost & Sullivan titled Energy-Efficiency Initiatives from South African Commercial Sector Can Usher in a New Business Culture found that peak demand savings went up from 22 MW in 2012 to 141 MW in 2013.

Van der Waal says businesses can implement projects that will optimise resources and be most profitable for their business. However, the report points out that most commercial businesses still do not consider energy efficiency as a core function of their brand and operations. The lack of human capital with the skills to implement and maintain energy-efficient initiatives, as well as high capital cost of energy-efficient equipment, deters businesses from implementing energy management projects.

Large commercial businesses in South Africa can cut down on energy consumption by investing in proper building management, efficient motors, water heating systems, and regular maintenance. Energy-saving audits can also help companies to establish benchmarks and identify where they could save energy.

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