The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) has invited expression of interest from consulting services for the modernisation of the Zambezi Water Information System (ZAMWIS) to meet the needs of the Zambezi Riparian States.
ZAMCOM, through its Secretariat, has applied for financing from the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) to support the development of component 2 of the enhancement and operationalization of ZAMWIS.ZAMWIS is a tool for sharing and analysing data and the intention is to increase its accessibility and interactivity through the internet with a web-interface with the ZAMCOM website. The ZAMWIS system is envisaged as being comprised of three primary components, namely a knowledge portal, a spatial portal and hydro-met and decision support systems.
The services are for ZAMWIS 2, the spatial portal comprising of GIS spatial data, digital surveys, earth observation information and interactive, web-based modelling tools. The assignment will involve upgrading and enhancing the functionality of the ZAMWIS to make it fully compatible with upgraded GIS and webpage interfaces and allow for integration of other modules, including the archival data and hydro-met database and decision support tools/system being developed under other separate assignment components.