The Department of Labour will hold nationwide public hearings on the contract cleaning sector to review the minimum wage for the sector.
In terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the current sectorial determination, which governs the minimum wage and conditions of employment for the contract cleaning sector, started on 1 December 2013 and will run until 30 November 2014. The current minimum hourly wage rate for people employed in major metropolitan councils and local council areas is R15.69, while the rest of South Africa has a rate of R14.21. The hearings will begin in Mpumalanga, Northern Cape and Gauteng and will culminate on 28 May in the Free State and Eastern Cape provinces. Public hearingsMpumalanga: the department’s office at the Standard Bank building at 29 Brown Street, Nelspruit
Northern Cape: Savoy Hotel, 19 Old De Beers Road Gauteng: 3rd floor of 77 De Korte Street, Braamfontei