WISA focuses on capacity and training | Infrastructure news

The WISA 2014 Gala Dinner was a highlight on the conference agenda. With more than 1800 delegates attending, this has been one of the most successful conferences held recently.

WISA CEO Lester Goldman says, “WISA’s vision is uncompromising: access to potable water for all. We want promote innovations beyond the technical. We want to see innovations to solve the capacity and training challenges ahead. Solving South Africa’s water challenges is predicated on innovation. We wish to increase our assistance to struggling municipalities and increase awareness of WISA as an ally and a resource. Finally, we want to return to a culture of excellence instead of mediocrity”

It was also an evening that recognises the leading role players in the water industry. This year the WISA awards went to:

SAIWA Piet Vosloo Award: Umgeni Water

SAIWA Pressley Hughes Award for best paper: S Motaung et al

Most improved WWTW: Waterval Treatment Works, Ekurhuleni

Wilson Award: Plettenburg Bay WWTW

WWTW Award (Larger than 25 ML/day) Olifantsvlei WWTW, Johannesburg Water

Mine Water Award for best young person’s presentation: Johanna Mtimunye for paper: ‘Uranium reduction by facultative anaerobes in mining tailings’

CEO Award for most active branch: South African Young Water Professionals

The collaboration between the Dutch and the South African water sectors is a long standing and positive one. This year the Wetskills competition was held in South Africa, with participants from

South Africa, Mozambique and Holland. The winning team is Lerotadi, and their core focus is addressing critical skills shortages in the industry and the forming of knowledge pools. Their philosophy of teach one, teach all is an inspiration.

On a more sombre note, Advocate Petlane of Randwater reiterated the need for clear governance and knowledge building in the sector, “We need to prioritise the eradication of corruption at municipal lever; corruption is at the heart of our problems. To achieve universal access, we need to improve water skills and create competent municipalities.”

Dr Jo Burgess has been appointed as the new WISA chairperson.

The next WISA conference in 2016 will be held in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

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