The Eastern Cape Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) has completed its two day quarterly technical MuniMEC meeting.
The technical MuniMEC meeting allows municipal managers, heads of department, representatives of sector departments, national COGTA and state owned enterprises to unblock key service delivery bottlenecks, share best practices as well as foster integrated development planning and implementation to realise meaningful delivery of services to communities.Some of the resolutions to be forwarded to the political MuniMEC for adoption and approval include:
- municipal leadership to create an enabling environment for oversight structures to adequately perform their function
- all municipalities must implement 2012 Provincial MuniMEC Resolutions on the Local Government Communication System (LGCS) during the 2014/15 Financial Year. This includes the appointment of Communicators and budget allocations to enhance and improve communications in Municipalities
- municipalities are urged to improve expenditure on capital budgets and infrastructure grants. Further to this, municipalities are urged to pay their creditors on time
- National Treasury to declare the low revenue generating municipalities and use Municipal Infrastructure Grants (MIG) for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) to address reversed backlog
- municipalities must improve their revenue collection and implementation of credit control policies as well as strengthen the Supply Chain Management (SCM) and planning processes
- provincial Planning and Treasury (PPT) to give formal warnings and invoke Division of Revenue Act (DORA) (s17) to municipalities that persistently fail to report and comply.