Registration is now open for the ISTT’s 32nd annual International No-Dig Conference and Exhibition which is taking place in Madrid from 13 to 15 October this year.
The ISTT conference has a reputation for presenting a top quality conference featuring a variety of papers on innovative techniques from around the world. The 2014 conference will be no exception with more than 50 papers from some 20 countries included in the programme. In addition to the international programme, there will be a stream dedicated to case study papers which will be delivered in Spanish and aimed at the local market. Hosted by the Iberian Society for Trenchless Technology (IbSTT), the exhibition and conference is attracting significant interest from municipalities and utility organisations in Spain and countries in nearby Europe who will, for the first time, have the opportunity of seeing a major international exhibition of equipment and products displayed by companies from around the world. IbSTT is also presenting an impressive display of products and services supplied by the Spanish market through its own Pavilion, featuring some 12 companies.Other countries represented at the exhibition include Germany and China who will also present country pavilions, as well as individual bookings already received from the UK, USA, Russia, Australia, Italy and Denmark.
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