R4.9 billion for Gauteng infrastructure | Infrastructure news

The Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) will oversee a budget of close to R4.9 billion in this financial year.

The department has been allocated an amount of R 1.976 billion for the 2014/15 financial year to implement programmes and projects. In addition the department will manage capital projects to the value of R2.419 billion, while an amount of R767 million is earmarked for critical maintenance work.

The billion rand infrastructure budget will largely be put towards education and health infrastructure.


Building better schools

The Gauteng Department of Infrastructure has been allocated R 1.13 billion for the 2014/15 financial year to undertake various programmes for the Department of Education, namely the New Infrastructure Programme, rehabilitation and refurbishment, upgrading and additions. These include fencing, Grade R, septic tanks and upgrades of full service schools.

In this financial year, eight new schools will be completed and handed over to the Department of Education, while construction will begin on another 11.

The DID is also actively involved in the Smart Schools Programme in Gauteng. The department is currently developing prototype designs for new schools based on Smart Class Room concept and the recently gazetted Education Infrastructure Norms and Standards. The Smart Schools, will incorporate technological learning in classrooms boasting connectivity, promethean boards, visual screens and technology training centres.

This will place Gauteng learners on the high tech path, enhancing their competitiveness and skills relevance for the future economic climate.


Health capital projects

The department will implement 119 projects on behalf of the Department of Health, commencing this financial year.  These projects have a total allocation of R533.9 million and include the upgrading and development of new facilities.

The maintenance budget for health facilities is R1.121 billion for the 2014/15 financial year.

DID has over the past year implemented several systems to deal with maintenance of health facilities through the introduction of the e-Maintenance system, Just-in-Time Maintenance Materials Management System in partnership with the private sector and a rotational system for appointing service providers from an established database.


Infrastructure delivery management

The DID has developed an organisational blueprint based on the Infrastructure Delivery Management System (in short the IDMS). The IDMS is a business model that will provide a standardised framework to ensure infrastructure delivery. R150 million has been allocated for IDMS in this financial year, with a total of R625 million being allocated by the Provincial Treasury over the 2014–17 Medium Term Expenditure Framework period to fully implement the IDMS.

This will, among other things, allow the department to recruit qualified built environment professionals in areas such as engineering, architects, quantity surveyors, and artisans. In this financial year the department plans to fill 250 IDMS aligned positions, lessening dependence on consultants.

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