The Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA), leaders in the waste management industry, has urged South Africans to support eWASA and dispose of e-waste correctly.
“The valuable and rare resources [found in e-waste] can be recovered and enter the product life cycle again as raw materials, while the hazardous components need to be treated and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner,” stresses  eWASA Chairperson Keith Anderson. South Africa has a well-developed, formal e-waste management system that collects, refurbishes, dismantles and recycles discarded products. “Recycled e-waste plastics are used to manufacture fence droppers, roof tiles and guttering. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) glass can be used for road surfacing and Waste2Art projects create crafts, jewellery and arts using dismantled e-waste”, says Anderson. The Waste Classification and Management Regulations under the Waste Act call for a total ban of the disposal of e-waste in landfill sites by 2021, with a ban on mercury bearing lamps by 2016. “E-waste workers can be exposed to many harmful effects of carcinogens and other hazardous substances found in e-waste”, explains Anderson.“South Africa is running out of landfill space and we cannot afford to discard valuable resources,” concludes IWMSA President Dr Suzan Oelofse.
eWASA e-waste collection day event The next eWASA e-waste collection day event will take place on 19 September 2014 as part of the Clean-Up and Recycle Week initiative. Visit or to find a collection point in your area.