The upcoming International Gender, Water and Development Conference provides a platform to forge partnerships that will address the challenges faced by the sector.  It will also address the roll-out of the African Ministers Council on Water’s gender strategy.
The conference, hosted by the Department of Water and Sanitation, the Water Research Commission and its partners in the sector, will be held from the 3 to 7 November in East London under the theme “The Untapped Connection”. The new conference dates which have been confirmed by the Minister of Water and Sanitation are as follows: 3 November:  pre-conference workshops, training courses and meetings4 – 7 November: conference – two days of plenaries, formal presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and one and a half days of Open Space
The Gender, Water and Development Conference aims to bring together a wide range of people to engage, debate and find solutions to gender and water challenges across the continent. Through this the conference will assist African Ministers Council on Water, African countries and other developing nations to address the developmental challenges of gender, poverty and water.
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