Energy is currently the second biggest cost factor in the recycled paper production with the highest lever for cost improvement. Energy generation from sorting and process rejects, provides a considerable substitution and saving of fossil fuel as well as a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and a significant reduction of landfill costs.
Decentralised treatment units, which combust local waste streams and which cover local heat demands, provide high overall plant efficiencies, short investment payback rates and represent an environmentally sustainable solution with high public acceptance. “Reject to Power” technology presents an optimised solution for waste fuels in the range of 5 to 30 MWth.The innovative principle of fuel injection via spinning wheels allows high flexibilities regarding fuel compositions and heating values. The combustion concept results in low grate temperatures, low emission values and excellent burn out rates.
The 22 MWth Energy Recovery Boiler at SAICA Partington generates 30 t/h steam. Download the technical paper here.