Local solution to dust and diesel contamination | Infrastructure news

Wear control specialist Filter Focus is able to assist local industries in reducing their carbon footprint and consequent impact on the environment, through its innovative range of environmentally-friendly filtration and lubrication systems.

Since its establishment in 2002, the Johannesburg-based company has been combining the most efficient and cost-effective filtration solutions with the world’s most advanced range of lubricating oils and greases, in order to prevent normally accepted wear and failure in heavy industrial equipment for its customers across Africa.

Filter Focus COO Craig FitzGerald points out that the company has been placing a specific focus on the diesel market, where there is a growing need for more effective filtration from companies that are making an effort to reduce their emissions.

Dust plays a major role in the contamination of diesel during the transportation process, particularly in South Africa. The company has addressed numerous industry problems by combining tribology, lubrication and filtration in order to give our clients the best asset protection available. Our filter systems are able to hold up to 30kg of dirt, protecting sensitive machine components and ensuring that oil and diesel is kept in pristine condition, ultimately minimising pollution and environmental impact,” he explains.

FitzGerald notes that during an emission test conducted in 2003, the company assisted luxury car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz in reducing carbon monoxide by 23% and sulphur dioxide by 75%, simply by fitting the company’s filtration systems to the vehicle.

Dust plays a major role in the contamination of diesel during the transportation process, particularly in South Africa

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