Waste characterisation and recycling potential in Stellenbosch | Infrastructure news

Stellenbosch is experiencing a waste crisis as the Devon Valley Landfill Site servicing this area has reached capacity.

A new landfill site has been established adjacent to the existing landfill but the compositions and quantities of waste generated in town are unknown so the life expectancy of the new landfill cannot be determined.

This investigation undertook a waste characterisation and determined the recycling potential in Stellenbosch.

It was determined that 13,831 kg of recyclable waste can be extracted from the waste stream per week instead of being sent to landfill amounting to 719,212 kg per year.

Presently 75% of all paper and dense plastics are recycled, 50% of plastic film and glass and 25% of all metal products and the rest sent to landfill.

If these recyclables are removed from the waste stream the life expectancy of the newly built landfill site will be extended and the utilisation of recyclables will contribute toward saving of natural resources.

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