Reduce the use of consultants - Zuma | Infrastructure news

President Jacob Zuma has applauded municipalities that are going the extra mile to serve communities more effectively.

Addressing the South African Local Government Association (Salga) Members Assembly in Midrand on Tuesday, President Zuma said these municipalities should serve as an example to others in order to improve audit outcomes for municipalities across the board.

He further urged municipalities to reduce the use of consultants, saying employees should carry out the jobs they have been hired to do.

“These municipalities are characterised by clean administration where the staff complement as a collective prioritise fraud prevention and risk management.

“These municipalities also have a zero tolerance to poor performance and conduct regular performance reviews and implement corrective measures where needed,” he said.

Communities can assist with service delivery

The President acknowledged that services rendered by municipalities have reduced poverty. He called on officials to interact with communities as this will enable them to improve service delivery.

“Work is still continuing to establish a prosperous South Africa and the lives of millions have improved for the better,” he said.

Gauteng Premier David Makhura said no effort will be spared to ensure that local governments work effectively. He called on municipalities to ensure good governance.

“We will continue to build strong local governments,” he said.

Salga National Assembly

According to the 2011 Census report, 11.8 million basic water services are provided to households, with 5.3 million receiving free basic services. Of the 11.8 million that receive basic water services, 2.5 million benefitted from indigent support.

Salga is currently holding its National Members Assembly (NMA) under the theme ‘15 Years of Democratic Local Government – Consolidating and Deepening Vibrant, Developmental and People Centred Local Democracy’.

Salga is an autonomous association of municipalities with its mandate derived from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

The Salga Assembly is attended by, among others, municipal representatives throughout the country and government officials, including representatives from neighbouring countries.

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