What's so smart about smart meters? | Infrastructure news

Christo Nicholls, CEO: Smart Utility Solutions for Edison Power Group, unpacks the methodology behind smart meter roll-out to unlock the technology’s true potential.

The advantages of smart meters are threefold: they provide accurate billing, alarm detection, and smart loadshedding/-limiting. Implementing smart electricity meters en mass requires a specialised expertise that takes into consideration the vast potential of these meters.

When you purchase a smart meter, you are purchasing a smart solution of technology plus benefits. Business processes, facilities, and training combine to make a smart metering solution.

A supplier who is well versed in the intricacies of providing a smart metering solution is a necessity.

Edison Power Group’s (EPG) smart meters fully comply with the guideline regulations of the IEC. Nicholls emphasises, “This guarantees the accuracy of the meters; accuracy is fundamental to any meter, and a crucial aspect of the technology.”

Meters are classified according to their accuracy. There is a global standard allowing various technologies to be brought to the table.

Residential meters are Class 1, for example, which is the most accurate according to the global standard. These meters adhere to IEC accuracy guidelines for billing purposes.

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