Olivenhoutbosch integrated settlement unveiled | Infrastructure news

Years ago the Olivenhoutbosch area was characterised by shacks with backyard rooms and people were unemployed, but change has come to the area through a partnership between government and the community.

On Thursday, the community witnessed the unveiling of an Integrated Human Settlements Development Project in Olievenhoutbosch Ext 36 by Deputy Minister for Human Settlements, Zou Kota-Fredericks.

The project is expected to see the building of almost 2000 houses and will start in September and be completed in the next 18 months.

Christina Kobe-Choba, 47, said she was now proud to be a resident because a number of developments have taken place since the new democratic government came into power.

Kobe-Choba spent almost all her adulthood renting a room but she eventually decided to go back to her parent’s house because she was struggling to make rent payments. For the past six years she has been living in a cramped backroom with her children and nephews.

“We’ve witnessed a number of developments in the area, including the building of decent houses, state of the art schools and a shopping centre. Our area keeps on growing economically and there are still more developments in the pipeline.

“Through these developments, our children are able to get employment and that keeps them away from the streets where there is nyaope. As parents, we are benefitting and chasing away poverty through the jobs which come from these projects,” said Kobe-Choba.

She said there was a good relationship between the community and Ward 77 councillor, Patrick Tsila. She said he keeps them up to date on every issues concerning service delivery in the area, which helped to avoid tension between stakeholders.


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