Zuma to present NDP infrastructure update | Infrastructure news

President Jacob Zuma will today inform the public on progress made in the National Infrastructure Plan.

This, after meeting with the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission Council (PICC), which comprises ministers, premiers and executive mayors of metropolitan councils in Tuynhuys, Cape Town.

“They come together quarterly to assess progress with regards to the implementation of the National Infrastructure Plan and reflect on ways of removing bottlenecks where these exists in order to fast-track the delivery of infrastructure for social and economic development,” said the Presidency on Wednesday.

The last meeting which took place at the Union Buildings, in April, received reports on construction progress across the full public infrastructure project pipeline, organised through 18 major Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs).

Government adopted the National Infrastructure Plan in 2012 to transform the country’s economic landscape while simultaneously creating significant numbers of new jobs and strengthen the delivery of basic services.

An estimated R4-trillion will be spent over the next 15 years on the plan which also supports the integration of African economies

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