Knysna upgrades Hornlee storm water system | Infrastructure news

Knysna Municipality has started with the upgrade of two existing storm water culverts in Sunridge Street, Hornlee.

The project, which costs R2.3 million, includes the exposure and removal of culverts in both positions in Sunridge Street and is set for completion at the end of January 2016.

According to Ward 6 Councillor, Clive Witbooi, the upgrade will improve service reliability and help alleviate roadway flooding, reduce erosion and thus reduce future maintenance problems.

The project will include the removal of unsuitable material to be replaced with approved granular material.

“Loose soil and vegetation will also be removed from the bank where the inlet and outlet structures are to be built along with a sub-soil drainage system, which is set to remove excess water from the soil surrounding the roads”, says Witbooi.

“The upgrade will reduce the risk of potential erosion and damage to property of local residents. The improvements will ensure that this infrastructure remains in good condition for years to come”, Witbooi continues

Municipal Manager, Grant Easton said that the upgrade work is essential and residents may unfortunately experience temporary traffic disruptions during the upgrade works.

In order to allow for the upgrade works to commence smoothly and timeously the construction areas will temporarily be limited to one-way traffic only.


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