Pump monitoring service helps reduce energy use and CO2 emissions | Infrastructure news

SKF announced that the SKF Energy Monitoring Service – Pump Systems, a BeyondZero Portfolio product, recently helped an SKF customer identify a potential reduction of 1 900 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

“It was developed to provide customers with insight about the operational efficiency of their pump systems. Many pump systems are inefficient, so the identified savings can be significant,” says Eric Huston, SKF global business manager: Asset and Energy Management.

A customer within the pulp and paper industry identified an energy improvement potential of 70% for one factory by monitoring only eight out of their 300 pumps. Through monitoring and optimising efficiency of the eight pumps, it was calculated that the factory could reduce its annual electricity demand by up to 2 500MWh, corresponding to 1% of the factory total electricity use. In terms of carbon dioxide emission reduction, this equates to about 1 900 tonnes per year (according to world power grid mix carbon dioxide factor of 0.749kg CO2/kWh).

SKF Energy Monitoring Service pumps

Energy Monitoring Service (EMS) specifically for pump systems typically demonstrates an energy use savings potential can be greater than 20% in non-monitored pump systems; and year-to-year savings of approximately 5% in those systems that are regularly monitored.

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