Chief Director: Sanitation placed on special leave | Infrastructure news

South African government logoThe Department of Water and Sanitation’s (DWS) chief director of sanitation has been placed on special leave.

According to the DWS, the department’s Director-General Margaret-Ann Diedricks has taken immediate steps to rectify a current misdemeanor with regard to sanitation services’ delivery.

Diedricks has placed the chief director of sanitation on precautionary leave while an investigation is underway to look into and verify some of the activities within the chief directorate. The Director-General is reportedly unhappy with the pace and at times the quality of services delivered.

“With sanitation services’ delivery speaking to the delivery of the most basic services to the people the department cannot afford any mishaps. It is therefore imperative at all times to ensure quality of service delivery from the department,” the DWS said in a statement.

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