Water restrictions officially lifted in Gauteng | Infrastructure news

tap water imageGazetted yesterday by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), Gauteng is officially no longer under water restrictions. This applies to both urban and irrigation users.

This follows the recent heavy rains that filled the Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS) which consists of 14 dams, mainly serving Gauteng. The IVRS has been increasing week on week and was at 95.9% on 6 March.

The lifting of restrictions applies to Gauteng municipalities within the Rand Water area of supply. Other smaller towns such as Potchefstroom, Standerton and third party users supplied via the Vaal River Eastern Sub-System Augmentation Project and Usutu sub-system will also no longer have restrictions imposed.

Despite the positive change in Gauteng, the DWS has cautions that South Africa remains in a drought and is a water scarce country and urges all citizens to continue to use water sparingly and adopt a culture of saving water.


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