Proposed transport strategy to integrate rural areas into mainstream economy | Infrastructure news

Improving public transport between urban and rural areas was recently addressed by Cabinet in an effort to help develop local economies.

A draft review of the rural transport strategy, which was approved by Cabinet members on Thursday, focuses on the priorities of rural district municipalities and provinces, as well as the inadequate provision of rural transport infrastructure and services.

Communications minister Ayanda Dlodlo said the implementation of this strategy will contribute towards the development of the local and provincial economy by improving access to public transport.

“This will increase connectivity between urban and rural spaces, with a view to integrating the rural environment into the mainstream economy,” she said.

Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy

Cabinet also approved the comprehensive maritime transport policy. This policy is said to articulate government’s commitment to the growth, development and transformation of South Africa’s maritime transport sector. Government said this will help boost socio-economic development and international trade.

“This is in line with the government priorities relating to Operation Phakisa on growing the Oceans Economy,” Dlodlo said.

“It is also aligned to broader goals of promoting economic growth and boosting job creation, as outlined in the National Development Plan and National Infrastructure Plan,” she added.

Draft Green Transport Strategy

Cabinet further approved the publication of the draft green transport strategy for public comments.

Dlodlo said transport plays a key role in enabling global trade in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.

“Transport systems form the backbone of South Africa’s socio-economic activities by enabling the movement of people and goods,” she said.“However, emissions from the transport sector contribute to the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), with road transport being the leading contributor.”

She added that the strategy seeks to propose interventions that will reduce GHG emissions within the sustainable development principles.

Smart Africa Alliance

Dlodlo said Cabinet also approved the decision for South Africa to join the Smart Africa Alliance.

“This is an African led collaboration focusing on developing relevant solutions and sharing resources to address the development challenges facing the continent,” she said. “It places information and communications technologies at the centre of the development agenda 2063 of the African countries.”

She said South Africa will benefit economically and politically through its participation in Smart Africa.

“By positioning the South African industry and expertise at the heart of Smart Africa’s development agenda, South Africa will contribute to the growth of local business in the region,” she said.

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