Spotlight on energy issues at 2012 SAEEC | Infrastructure news

On 14 and 15 November, the 7th Southern African Energy Efficiency Convention (2012 SAEEC), will be held at Emperors Palace in Gauteng. It promises to draw a host of stakeholders and decision makers in the energy industry.

Energy has become a buzzword of late and industry and government alike, across the globe, are seeking out new and innovative ways to source sustainable and consistent energy to drive economies. With the government REIPPP plan, this convention will provide a host of opportunities for companies to not only looking develop their own grid parallel energy sources, but also for those looking to invest in efficient energy to add onto the country’s power grid.

The opening session will feature Adv. Sisa Njikelana from SA Parliamentary PC on Energy speaking on “Considerations on the future strategy for energy efficiency in SA”, followed by Kevin Nassiep from SANEDI, Andrew Etzinger from Eskom IDM, Richard Worthington speaking about Benchmarking energy efficiency in the context of carbon budgeting, Thomas Kraneis from Germany, and Luisa Freemen from the USA on the latest trends in energy efficiency from an evaluator’s perspective.

For those stakeholders that are looking into energy efficiency, there is a smorgasbord of speakers with over 60 having have been confirmed. Topics to be discussed include:

• Anton Potgieter from Energy Resource Optimisers: “What every ESCO should know about Eskom IDM funding models”
• Dean Marcus from Aztec: “How not to cool a beer!”
• Derek Morgan from eTekwini Municipality: “Complexities of energy efficiency in municipal infrastructure”
• Judith Taylor from Earth Life Africa: “Uranium Mining – the hidden origins of Nuclear Power”
• Madeleine Parsons from SASFIN: “Cash incentives for energy efficiency”
• Prof. Emile van Zyl from Stellenbosch University: “Sustainable biofuel production in southern Africa”
• Telez Augustyn from Grundfos: “Energy efficiency saving in pumping systems – the holistic approach”
• Izelle Bosman from Energy Training Foundation: “Aligning human resources for optimal energy management”
• Jeff Hollingdale from DQS South Africa: “Carrying out an EnMS audit”
• Prof. X Xia from the University of Pretoria: “Optimal metering plan for M&V of an energy efficiency lighting project”

In addition, the SAEE’s Energy Awards will be announced at the annual banquet and awards evening on 14 November and the 2012 Energy Company of the Year, Energy Patron of the Year, Energy Project of the Year, Energy Newcomer of the Year, Energy Excellence Award and the Hall of Fame recipient will be announced.

This event offers ample networking and business relationship building between likeminded stakeholders in the industry. Online delegate registration is open at

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