Transport improvement for rural Eastern Cape | Infrastructure news

There have been a number of successes in improving public transport in the Eastern Cape, Transport MEC Thandiswa Marawu said in Humansdorp last Tuesday.

“Despite all the doubts and concerns, the scholar transport programme was successfully migrated from the department of education to the department of transport,” she said in a speech prepared for delivery.

The provincial department’s annual report for 2011/2012 showed that 53 832 pupils were transported. The department’s target was 42 000.

“In an effort to contribute to rural development through improving access to public transport, we have successfully re-introduced the Kei Rail Daily Passenger Services between Mondays and Fridays,” Marawu said.

The department was also working on a provincial integrated public transport master plan to address imbalances in development during apartheid.

The consultation process for the plan was already underway, and would run until 26 October when interested parties would make submissions.

Marawu said the department received its third consecutive unqualified audit for the period under review.

“As an executing authority of this department, I can say without fear of contradiction that this department is turning the corner.” The Eastern Cape transport department awarded 29 bursaries of R65 000 per student.

In addition, four Eastern Cape youth were selected to be trained as air traffic services assistants. She said contracts awarded to black economic empowerment companies were increased to R80m, from R25m in the previous financial year.

Marawu said the Mthatha Airport upgrade project was expected to be completed before the end of the financial year.

Source: Sapa

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