Transport committee calls for Prasa’s strategy to deal with burning trains | Infrastructure news

The Portfolio Committee on Transport is concerned by the recent spate of fires affecting the rail infrastructure in the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal Provinces.

Three trains were reportedly burnt in the Cape Metro and a number of carriages had been destroyed entirely last week. A similar burning of trains also occurred in KwaZulu-Natal around the same time.

The Committee is calling on law enforcement to double their efforts and prioritise investigations into the burning of trains in and around Cape Town in particular as it has been hard hit by rail infrastructure vandalism.

“The burning of trains is frequent and it is costly to the state. This kind of anarchy is condemned with contempt as it frustrates the efforts and objectives of linking up commuters with economic opportunities,” notes Dikeledi Magadzi, the Chairperson of the committee.

“The need for rail police has never been greater not only for security of passengers, and state assets; but also the infrastructure which has been earmarked by the President as pivotal in getting the economy growing again.”

The committee says it will look to reschedule its programme and invite the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) in to discuss and understand what strategy it has to deal with this crisis.

Arson crippling Cape commuters

Meanwhile the City of Cape Town’s MMC for Transport and Urban Development, Brett Herron is calling the National Minister of Transport, Blade Nzimande, to take immediate action to arrest this situation.

“I want to know whether the minister has considered taking a declaration of disaster or emergency to cabinet?”

“Our commuter rail system is under relentless attack, and it is our most vulnerable citizens who are the worst affected by the declining rail service.”

According to Herron the city has lost more than 140 carriages to arson over the last three years.


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