Cosatu strongly against e-tags | Infrastructure news

According to Cosatu spokesperson Patrick Craven, motorists should resist buying e-tags as Cosatu strongly opposes e-tolling.

“The federation rejects the argument for ‘user-pays’ for basic public services like our roads, and repeats its warning to the government not to even think about implementing e-tolls.”

Transport minister Ben Martins has already said that the public should go ahead and purchase their e-tags but Craven has said that Martins should be aware that Cosatu and the majority of Gauteng motorists are against e-tolling.

The task team appointed by the Congress of SA Trade Unions and the ANC are still trying to find alternative funding methods.

Along with Cosatu, the Freedom Front Plus said motorists should not, under any circumstances, buy e-tags.

“The fact is that the e-toll system is still not operational and that important legislation, which would make the paying of the e-tolls enforceable, is still outstanding,” spokesperson Anton Alberts said.


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