Stadler bids for PRASA contract | Infrastructure news

Swiss passenger train company Stadler can make it’s mark in Africa should it succeed in its bid to supply Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) with new coaches in the rolling stock renewal programme.

“This is our first real opportunity to move into Africa. If we lose this one (bid), we will have to ride another one into Africa,” Stadler’s Felice Massaro, who is responsible for business development in southern Europe and Africa, said on Wednesday.

According to Mr Massaro, the proposal to PRASA states that Stadler will establish two companies in South Africa, one being a joint venture company called Dudula Rail and the second being a stand-alone Stadler business unit which would serve other African states.

Dudula Rail is owned by Stadler and local companies including black-owned ABB SA and Naledi Rail Engineering, which is a 100% black-owned rolling stock service provider that started in 2008.

Companies competing with Stadler for this contract include Alstom, Bombardier, China South Rail, China North Rail and CAF.






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