Peterbill Transport signs Responsible Care commitment | Infrastructure news

Peterbill Transport is the latest company to add its signature to the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association Responsible Care Initiative, demonstrating its commitment to implement the guiding principles of the chemical industry’s voluntary initiative.

Upon signing the public commitment, Billy Phillips, CEO of Peterbill Transport, said: “Utilising our passion for transport, our commitment to our employee’s health and safety, and our on-going cognisance of our customers’ needs, we feel we are well on our way to living up to our company’s commitment to the Responsible Care principles, codes and practices.”

Louise Lindeque, responsible care manager of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association, says: “The safety, health, environmental and quality performance of logistical service providers that transport chemicals on behalf of the chemical sector has to be of a high standard to ensure that our products are transported safely. Responsible Care has to be extended along the logistics chain and it is therefore important that logistical service providers such as Peterbill Transport adopt and implement the Responsible Care Guiding Principles and Codes of Practice as these will add value to the company’s existing health, safety and environmental management systems.”

The Responsible Care initiative is practiced in 57 countries and in South Africa there are 144 companies, including chemical manufacturers, transporters of dangerous goods as well as spill response and waste management companies that implement it.

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