Engen launches driver wellness campaign in Kimberley | Infrastructure news

Pictured: MEC Mxolish Simon Sokatsha’s blood pressure is taken by Nurse Rhita Nkosi as part of a complete evaluation process against early detection of illnesses.

For the third year in a row, Engen is collaborating with Trucking Wellness for this year’s Driver Wellness campaign in Kimberley.

This annual initiative by Engen is aimed at educating long-distance truck drivers about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on the road, servicing the economy. The campaign kicked off in Kimberley at the beginning of March and will visit17 Engen sites by the end of October 2013.

The Driver Wellness campaign is run at selected Engen Truck Stops and retail sites. Drivers get an opportunity to go for free voluntary screening in mobile clinics by qualified nurses and councillors for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, tuberculosis, BMI (Body Mass Index) and HIV/Aids. The programme also provides counselling and a referral service where required. In 2012, 841 drivers presented themselves for screening compared to 400 in 2011.

This year the intention is to increase the number of drivers screening by 30%.

Khanyisa Balfour, group corporate social investment manager for Engen, says:“We are pleased to continue playing a role in informing, educating and raising awareness about the impact of health issues and chronic diseases on road safety.”

The Driver Wellness initiative is aimed at raising awareness around health issues that have a direct impact on road safety, by helping drivers to manage their wellness better. We believe initiatives such as these can make a real difference to road safety in the long run and encourage a healthy lifestyle change in professional drivers.”

Northern Cape Health MEC Mxolisi Sokatsha said: “Drivers are often the sole breadwinners of their families and spend most of their time on the road away from home travelling across the country. Their health and wellness is of great importance to their families, communities and the economy as a whole.”

The Kimberley truck stop is one of many around the country where drivers rest overnight after spending long hours on the road during the day. The campaign is set to visit most provinces, including Belfast in Mpumalanga and Kokstad in KwaZulu-Natal during April.

Back left: Mr. Cornelius Visser (Engen – Commercial Sales), Nurse Xolele Mokwana (EBOTSE Group), Nurse Rhita Nkosi (EBOTTSE Group), Mr. Paul Westcott (Engen Regional Commercial Sales Manager) and Ms Pumeza Ntisana (Engen Corporate Social Investment Co-ordinator).

Front left: Mr. Jody van Wyk (Kimberley Engen Manager), Mr. Shadrack Masinga (driver) and Mr. Monelo Nisele (truck driver).

MEC of Health Mxolish Simon Sokatsha proudly shows his certificate of his HIV Negative test as part of his support for all truck drivers to get tested. He is seen with Ms. Pumeza Ntsisana as well of two of his employees, Mr. Mcebisi Mvumdlela (MEC Security) and Mr. Horatius Nel (Parlimentary Liaison Officer).


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